The shipping costs will be calculated automatically by the system based on the place of delivery and the weight of the goods. For multiple purchases we recommend that you group your items in a single order through the cart, so doing the system will automatically calculate the shipping costs.
The shipment is expected within one working day from receipt of payment.
The products will be shipped to the address marked by the buyer before completing the payment, only in the geographical areas that we treat.
It will be our care to communicate you the shipping code and the tracking link of the courier so that you can track and control your order. It will be in the interest of the buyer to control the movements and in case of complications or problems communicate it to us in order to provide the necessary support and assistance. We decline any responsibility for the lengthening of delivery times attributable to the carrier, strikes or bad weather due to major forces.
Particular attention will be paid in the packaging of products, all items will be shipped with rigid cardboard support.
If you receive a product not true to the item in the picture or with defects not marked in our description the return will be borne by us and we will refund the total. In case the reason for the return is an afterthought or a mistake by the buyer the shipping costs for the return will be borne by it. Once we have received the return we will proceed to refund only the cost of the product, the cost of shipping incurred by us will not be refunded.
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